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annuity protection

Annuities For Growth, Fixed Annuity, Income Annuities, Index Annuity, What To Watch Out For,

Who Can You Trust With Your Money: FDIC Insured Banks Vs. Annuities

  FDIC Vs. Insurance Providers: Are You Protected? The federal government requires banks to keep 10% of your CD in reserves. 10 cents of every dollar you’ve deposited is in your banks reserves. This goes for money market accounts as well as any money that you put in your bank account. On the other hand, state insurance commissioners regulate annuities. This creates a major difference because insurance companies have to keep 100% of your annuity. That means 1 dollar for every dollar of your investment. According to Forbes, if you wanted to take your annuity out of the insurance company and liquidate that asset, you would walk away with the current value of the annuity plus the current value of future obligations on those contracts. Breaking It

Annuities For Growth, Fixed Annuity, Income Annuities, Index Annuity,

Does Your State Protect Your Annuities From Creditors?

  Annuities are like other financial assets. Often times, litigation efforts and creditors are able to gain access to them. As a result, the money you worked hard for is at risk. Protect Your Annuities O.J. Simpson & Florida Exemptions For Annuities Remember O.J. Simpson? I’m not talking about the notorious car chase in the Ford Explorer. According to MarketWatch, O.J made some poor financial decisions in Vegas. Consequently, those decisions led to lawsuits that ordered him to pay back creditors. O.J. put most of his money in annuities in south Florida where he lived at the time. Lucky for him, statutes in the state of Florida shielded his annuities from being touched by creditors. “If the glove don’t fit, you must acquit” may as well be,